Being a dancer in the northern states can be challenging during the winter months. Much like people will take steps to “winterize” their automobiles and houses, dancers may want to consider taking some simple steps to “winterize” their approach to dancing when the temperatures start to fall.
Here are some simple steps you may want to consider doing when you head off to your local dance studio for classes when the temperature is near or below freezing.
Warm Up Before You Start
Make a point of getting to class a little earlier than usual so you have proper time to warm up before starting your dance class.
Muscles are often more contracted when you have been out in the cold. Taking a little extra time to stretch and warm those muscles will reduce the likelihood of pulling your muscles. Doing this will help assure that you are able to perform your best.
Take your time by slowly loosening up before class starts.
Supplement Your Normal Attire
In addition to the basic leotard, tights, or other basic dance clothing, when the temperatures get chilly, consider wearing leg warmers, possibly a sweater or sweatshirt, and socks (when appropriate) to keep your body warm.
When your class gets going and you are really working hard, be smart and remove that sweatshirt or other warmer clothing if you begin to feel you might be overheating.
Take Time to Cool Down After Class
Take a few extra minutes when class is finished and you are ready to head home to make sure you are properly cooled down. If the temperatures outside the studio are really cold, be sure to put on that warm coat, mittens, and scarf on the walk to the car to keep healthy.
Watch Your Nutrition and Rest
Make sure you are feeding your body well and getting proper amounts of rest. Keeping healthy during the cold winter months will go a long way to helping you continue strong for the entire the dance season.