The idea of “the assist” in sports is something that we take for granted whether we are sports fans or not. That winning goal, tie-breaking touchdown, or defining moment in a game are only made possible when teamwork makes the dream work.
There are many moving parts that make a dance studio function like a well-oiled machine. The teachers, students, and families are what make the community of Liberty Dance Center so special. There are countless ways in which we offer “the assist” to each other on a daily basis.
As teachers, we are always working to keep our dances fresh and exciting. We bounce ideas off of each other, learn from pros in the dance field, and watch our students for inspiration.
Student Choreography week is a great example of how our dancers inspire us! It gives us teachers a chance to observe our dancers and highlight moves that we can use in our recital choreography.
We prefer collaboration over competition. Competition has a place when it comes to our special competition teams. However, we know that the only person you’re truly competing with at the end of the day is yourself. When we all support each other with positivity, everyone succeeds.
Community Mindset
Liberty Dance Center isn’t just a place. It’s a community of people who truly care. This is evident in everything from the friendly “hello” you receive the moment you walk in the door, to teachers helping students learn how to dance AND be great people.
It’s also in the heart of all of our dancers. Just take a look into the black studio on a Saturday morning! Our Darby’s Dancers program is the embodiment of a caring, joy-filled community.
As we dance through October, be on the lookout for ways you witness “the assist” all around you. We’d love to hear about it!