Want to improve your dance abilities? Here are some things you can focus on that will make you a better dancer.
Increase Your Flexibility
Improved flexibility helps you become a better dancer. Take time each morning to do stretching routines. If time permits, repeat once more during the day. Make sure you are following proper stretching techniques.
Practice Muscle Memory
Like other sports athletes, dancers can benefit from working on muscle memory while they are practicing their routines. Work on specific movements and portions of your routine to make sure you are able to tap into the power from muscle memory techniques.
Review Your Past Routines
Review and reflect on any past routines you have captured on video to help you determine areas of your dance that you can improve on. Think about body and hand placement and how your movements are in sync with the music. Also, remember to look at the great elements of your routine and find ways to make them even better.
Watch Dance Videos
Take some time to watch other dancers (maybe a professional dancer you like or another dancer at your studio that you admire). Try to pick up one or two things they do really well and practice trying to emulate them.
Nutrition and Rest
Rest and fueling your body properly has a big impact on how well you are able to practice and perform on stage. Attention to this detail will also help you in life outside of dance.
Try some of the above points. Go out there everyday with a plan and goals of improving your dance abilities. Most important of all… have FUN doing it.
(this post was republished from 2018)