The other day Liberty Dance Center celebrated its 13th anniversary, or as I like to call it, its 13th birthday…we officially have a teenager in the house!
I always like to look back and reflect on how far we’ve come and all of the fun, happy memories we have made together throughout the year. I’m an optimistic person by nature and tend to find the positive side of things, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that sometimes things were hard, and MANY times I didn’t know what I was doing. But sometimes you just need to have faith in yourself, take the leap, and figure it out in the air.
Let’s start with my business background. To put it simply, I don’t have one! But I wasn’t going to let that one tiny detail stop me from following my dreams of opening a business. I think too often, people think of all the things they “need to have” before they start or “wait for the perfect time” to begin.
While I firmly believe that preparation will in most cases help you succeed, sometimes you need to start and figure it out mid-leap. I knew that dance helped me in SO many ways in my life and I just wanted to give that opportunity to as many people in my community as possible. Thus, Liberty Dance Center was born…welcome to the world LDC!
I wish I could say it’s been all sunshine and rainbows, but there have been countless mistakes made along the way. So many. But you know what? As we teach our students at Liberty Dance Center, making mistakes and more importantly, LEARNING from those mistakes, is where the growth happens.
Have I sent an emotional email to 2 (or more) that I should have waited before sending? Absolutely. Could I have handled a situation with a student a tad better? Definitely. Have I miscommunicated with my staff before? For sure, just ask them!
But you know what? I get a little bit better every time one of those situations happens. And my biggest hope and wish is that the students at Liberty Dance Center SEE me (and others) mess up from time to time and also see that I KEEP GOING.
So whatever dream you have in your heart that you feel “you just aren’t ready for” or “aren’t qualified to do” or are “afraid you will mess up”(spoiler alert-you will definitely mess up!)… just go for it. Take the leap and figure it out in the air! What’s the worst that’s going to happen? You may not stick the landing, but then you simply need to get back up and try again.
~Kate Moody